Contract Management Blog by Contracts 365

A Review of ContractsCon-All Cake

Written by Russ Edelman | April 11, 2023


A Review of ContractsCon 2023

I recently had the pleasure of attending the inaugural ContractsCon event, created for contract professionals looking to optimize the creation of contracts.  The event was both an in-person and virtual conference held in Miami, Florida. 

ContractsCon was presented by Laura Frederick of How To Contract, providing training and skill development for lawyers, and Law Insider, a subscription-based contract database and resource center for lawyers and business owners. Contracts 365 had the honor of sponsoring ContractsCon as a contract management software vendor.  As a sponsor, vendor, and participant, I wanted to share my thoughts with you. 

ContractsCon was well-received, with various attendees from across the legal world.  In the spirit of the organizer, Laura Frederick, I am incorporating a meaningful metaphor as she so aptly did with the event sessions and in her LinkedIn posts.  For me, that metaphor is cake and frosting, as this event was simply one filled with so much substantive cake and a tasteful “shmear” of frosting!  Here are my takeaways from the event that can be segmented into four distinct “slices.”  

Slice 1: The Authenticity and Humility Of Laura Frederick 

Appropriately titled the “Queen Of Contracts” by the keynote speaker Kwame Christian, this title was incredibly on point.  While the royalty title is befitting, the true measure of Laura is how real she is while also being so incredibly humbled and grateful for the community she has built.  Laura is the real deal. 

Slice 2 – Content of Substance 

Laura’s contributing commentary throughout the sessions was equally matched with phenomenal speaker content and impassioned speakers.  To hear such great speakers in legal technology and operations such as Lucy Bassli, Founder of Innolaw, Jennifer Zador, General Counsel of Formstack, and Amanda Merced, partner at Ward & Berry, among others, share their experiences and opinions was yet another delicious piece of cake.  If you have not had a chance to check out these speakers and their expertise, please do.

Slice 3 - The People Are So Heavily Vested 

Complementing the content of the event and part of the loyal following that Laura has garnered are the peeps!  As I attended the sessions, I was amazed to see how little people were on their phones, how they became part of the discussion (and not simply participants), and how they felt better as a result of attending.  Did I mention the breakout dinners on Thursday night – simply fantastic!

Slice 4 - The Ground Floor 

I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t exciting to be part of something new, vibrant, and very real.  It was felt by all the attendees, and I feel honored to be a part of the event and the community.  
And yes, the frosting was unquestionably the fun of attending such an event at an ideal location like the University of Miami. Watching the high divers, feeling the energy of the university and the students, and knowing that this is simply the first chapter of Laura’s new adventure.  Contracts 365 (and I) are looking forward to the next cake… 

 Sincerely, one of your partners in cake making. 


PS. If you could not attend the event and thus meet with one of our team members in person, we would love to share Contracts 365's contract management software solution with you.  Contracts 365 is powerful contract management software for Microsoft customers. Please don’t hesitate to contact us, or even better, request a demo.